We've all seen the sites proclaiming an ability to make £14,757 per week sat in the bar of a private yacht, drifting aimlessly
through the med.
I too would like extreme wealth, private islands, diamond, gold and art collections, stables of exotic sportscars ... the list goes on. However, I do not think it is possible sat around doing squat.
Since graduating with around £17,000 of student debt, I don't think I have done too badly: my personal debt is falling, I'm supporting a wife (sporting an obscene diamond (tips on diamond purchases to follow!)) and young baby and have been away on a decent holiday each of the past two years.
You may be fooled into thinking my business
SmarterHousing is the foundation of my income but unfortunately this is not the case: I've only paid myself the minimum taxable allowance for the first three years of operation. As a new business, it is inherant that the 'boss comes last' and any money that I could draw, I tend to reinvest in winning new clients and improving our
So then, where is this money coming from? It's the old cliche I'm afraid - sat around at home! I will stress again, I've not been sat around doing nothing, but I have found one or two internet businesses that do bring in sufficient income to live off and if you're prepared to work hard, separate incomes soon mount up.
I'll be bringing tips on genuine internet businesses and other opportunities for the budding entrepreneur, as well as ways to save when you can't help but spend (food and petrol amongst others). I may throw in the odd shameless plug about cheap
hotels or
holidays, but you can hardly blame me.
Without doubt, if I do amass a significant wealth, this blog should provide a pretty good step by step guide on how it happenned!